
Category: Videos

  • Russ Tafari – Killing All Night

    Killing all Night Youtube Audio Killing all Night Instrumental I’ve begun creating songs on the 400+ beats that I’ve made. Killing all Night is the first of those songs. This beat was created way back in April 2018. I hope you enjoy this upbeat song about murder!

  • Russ Tafari “SNAPPED” out now!

    The new song is called “Snapped” and I really put a lot into this one! Several people have told me that this song is the best thing that I have done to date! So that definitely feels good to hear. The cover art was done by a good friend of mine Daniel Henry so big…

  • Russ Tafari instrumentals are on Youtube

    Snapped Instrumental Hunting Time Instrumental The Fog Instrumental In My Dungeon Instrumental Put’em on a shirt Instrumental Kentucky Instrumental Bludgeon Instrumental The Big Idiot Screams Too Much Instrumental Outside Instrumental

  • Russ Tafari – Kentucky (Song Breakdown) Video

    https://youtu.be/73n4qpUlCAI Here is a video where I breakdown my song “Kentucky“. If you ever wondered what my project file looks like when I make music here is a taste. I plan on making many more videos like this. Be sure and subscribe to my Youtube channel. Plenty more content will be posted on there. Eat…